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Some foreign scientists have invented a stretchable heart rate monitoring wearable device.

Article source:SHIBA(SPIKE WATCH) ELECTORNICS FTY.   Issuing time:2016-06-23

According to foreign media reports, scientists have invented an ultra-thin, retractable wearable device made of nano-gold particles, which can be used closely for human heart rate monitoring.

   To solve these problems, Dae-Hyeong of Seoul National University and colleagues designed this relatively new heart rate monitoring wearable device. Compared with the previous equipment, it has good flexibility and can adapt to the complex motion stretching of the human body, so it can be continuously monitored for a long time.

   According to the researchers, in the past few years, a variety of devices such as smart watch bracelets for heart rate monitoring or other health tracking have appeared on the market, but no one has been able to use them in stretching situations. In addition, the current smart watches and bracelets are lacking in stability and data storage efficiency, and the accuracy is not enough because they are not close enough to the skin.

   And because of the nano material, the memory performance of this device has also improved. They pointed out that the ultra-thin circuit of the device consists of a retractable gold nano-particle silicon film, which has the advantages of good chemical stability and long-term memory storage.

   The pacemaker works by using electrical pulses to keep the user's heart in a stable beat, but due to current technology limitations, the battery power of the pacemaker becomes weaker over time. And the patient eventually had to face another operation to replace the battery to continue to sustain life. But now, as a very sophisticated and tiny device, pacemakers can already solve this power supply problem in some cases with a new energy capture technology.

   However, it is yet to be seen that there is no actual experience to assess how much breakthrough the device will bring. The research is currently published in the journal Science.

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